Le Sandre : Tout savoir sur ce poisson fantôme
Le sandre est un poisson aussi mystérieux que fascinant pour nous les pêcheurs. Si son combat est généralement moins violent que celui d’un brochet ou d’un black-bass, sa touche elle vous laissera souvent sans voix. La pêche du sandre s’apparente à une traque qui déroute bon nombre d’entre nous...
Le Brochet : Tout savoir sur le poisson roi de l’eau douce
Le brochet est le poisson roi de nos eaux françaises. Ce poisson fait rêver bon nombre de pêcheurs et déchaîne les passions tant sa taille, sa recherche ou son combat en sont exceptionnels. Mais pour pêcher ce prédateur, encore faut-il le connaître. Voici un article vous résumant tout ce...
Anthony Manson-Caron, fishing guide from the Creuse to Ireland
Discover the portrait of Anthony Manson-Caron, fishing guide instructor from the Creuse to Ireland and specialist in predator fishing with lures. Hello Anthony, firstly can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers? Hello! Yes with pleasure! My name is Anthony MANSON-CARON, I was born in ...
Damien Toussaint, trout fishing guide
Discover the portrait of Damien Toussaint, fishing guide instructor in the Saint-Lary region in the Pyrenees and specialist in trout fishing. Hello Damien, firstly can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers? Hello Rodmaps team. My name is Damien Toussaint, I am 25 ...
Hugo Gallinaro, trout fishing guide
Discover the portrait of Hugo Gallinaro, fishing guide monitor in the Sète region and specialist in trout fishing, especially large specimens with lures Hello Hugo, classic question in our interviews, could you start by introducing yourself to our readers? Good morning all,...
Jean-François Lecomte, fishing guide in Limousin
Discover the portrait of Jean-François Lecomte, fishing guide in Limousin and particularly on Lake Vassivière. Jean-François specializes in tracking predators with lures. Hello Jean-François, first can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers? My name is Jean-François Lecomte, 42 years old, ...
Matthias Lothy, Don't Drop The Bass!
Discover the portrait of Matthias Lothy, graphic designer, decoy designer for Ernesto Tackle and founder of Don't Drop The Bass. Matthias reveals his career, his project, his vision of fishing and beyond his love for nature. Hello Matthias. For those who don't know you ...
The Fishing Club, a look back at the genesis of the show with David Vengerder
Discover the portrait of David Vengerder, former sports journalist, great fishing enthusiast and founder of the Fishing Club. David tells us about his career, the genesis of the Fishing Club and his vision of fishing in France. Hello David. Before you start, could you briefly introduce yourself to our readers ...
Yoann Esquis, the keys to becoming a fishing guide
Discover the portrait of Yoann Esquis, coordinator of the National Center for Training in Fishing Professions. Discover his career, the training to become a fishing guide and his future prospects. Hello Yoann. For those who do not yet know you, could you briefly introduce yourself to our ...
Cédrick Plasseau, fishing guide from Haute-Vienne to Spain
Discover the portrait of Cédrick Plasseau, fishing guide between Haute-Vienne, New Aquitaine and Spain. Cédrick specializes in tracking predators and salmonids with lures and flies. Hello Cédrick, before we start, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers ...