Category: Discoveries

Forum de pêche carnassier – Les meilleurs forums de pêche à découvrir

On n’y pense pas souvent mais le forum de pêche au carnassier est un excellent espace où l’on peut améliorer ses compétences en matière de pêche. A travers les échanges en direct avec d’autres passionnés, on peut trouver sur ces forums de pêche toutes les réponses à ses questions...

Garmin livescope – Tout savoir sur la technologie Livescope

Qu’est ce que le Garmin livescope? Le Garmin Livescope est un système de caméra de pêche qui permet de voir en temps réel ce qui se passe sous l’eau à l’aide d’une caméra flottante (LVS). Il sert à localiser les poissons et pour planifier des stratégies de pêche. Le...

Blog de pêche – 5 blogs de pêche au carnassier à lire absolument

En tant que blog de pêche nous-mêmes, ademettons-le, bon nombre de nos paires font un remarquable travail sur la toile qu’il nous faut saluer. Et puis, qu’on se le dise, apprendre à pêcher n’est pas une chose aisée. Si l’on n’a pas un membre de sa famille, un ami...

Tarpon: 5 things to know about this fish

Passionate about tarpon for years, we wanted to share with you 5 noteworthy and little-known facts about this mythical fish. Tarpon larvae look like worms Adult tarpon spawn offshore: 80-100 miles in the Gulf of Mexico and 5-10 miles in the ocean ...

Record pike: the 10 biggest pike caught in France

What fisherman has never dreamed of catching a record pike in his life? But what is a record pike? What is the size of the biggest pike ever caught in France? In order to see more clearly, we wanted to list you the 10 biggest pike caught ...

Record catfish: the 10 largest catfish caught to date

With the passing years and the democratization of its fishing, the record catches of catfish do not stop raining. Some fishermen have even made hunting record catfish their specialty. In order to see more clearly, we wanted to list you the 10 biggest catfish caught ...

Circle Fishers, sell and buy fishing equipment safely

Through the eyes of Karim its founder, discover Circle Fishers, the 1st platform to afford quality second-hand fishing equipment at affordable prices and in complete safety! Karim tells us about his site, his genesis and especially 25 years of a devouring passion ...

Matthias Lothy, Don't Drop The Bass!

Discover the portrait of Matthias Lothy, graphic designer, decoy designer for Ernesto Tackle and founder of Don't Drop The Bass. Matthias reveals his career, his project, his vision of fishing and beyond his love for nature. Hello Matthias. For those who don't know you ...

The Fishing Club, a look back at the genesis of the show with David Vengerder

Discover the portrait of David Vengerder, former sports journalist, great fishing enthusiast and founder of the Fishing Club. David tells us about his career, the genesis of the Fishing Club and his vision of fishing in France. Hello David. Before you start, could you briefly introduce yourself to our readers ...

Fishing in Guadeloupe: Story of our 6th day of fishing

Do you want to discover fishing in Guadeloupe? We wanted to share with you our experience during this sixth day of our fishing trip in Guadeloupe with Julien Audonnet and Scarna Fishing for a session in the river. A new fishing session in Guadeloupe ... in the river We leave with Scarna ...