How to fish black bass in summer?

The days are getting longer and the waters are getting warmer. THEthe spawning of the black bass is long pastt the pre-winter frenzy is still a long way off. While summer fishing for black bass is not necessarily the most productiveIf you know how to do it properly, it can hold some huge surprises. When you think about it, the fish haven't disappeared and are still feeding. You just have to know when, where and how to catch them. This article is designed to help those who want to know how to fish for black bass in summer..

How to fish black bass in summer?

Where to fish for black bass in summer?

Where to fish for black bass in summer?

Find the breaks

During the summer, warmer water tends to contain less oxygen. Although black bass can withstand high temperatures, they will prefer take shelter in areas richer in oxygen. During the summer, avoid the shallows, which are usually so productive. You will sometimes come across black bass posted in these areas. They will no doubt return to deeper waters later on to hunt.

A first method to fish for black bass in summer is therefore to prospect for drop-offs. Black bass often settle in these areas in search of colder, more oxygen-rich water. They will stay close to these areas to rest and feed. They will only leave early in the morning or on cooler summer evenings to hunt.

Find areas with vegetation and structures

As with colder waters, vegetated areas will be richer in oxygen. They will also offer shade and good refuge and hunting opportunities for black bass in summer. Large fish are often found near the bottom, just at the edge of the thick vegetation and water lilies, waiting for food to pass them by.

For summer black-bass fishing in these conditions, Texan-mounted lures are ideal for prospecting these deep areas. A spinerbait is also preferable for open water. This type of lure is able to penetrate even the densest vegetation. Finally, don't hesitate to use frogs if the vegetation sticks out of the water or stickbaits if it hasn't broken the surface. Mid-morning and the few hours before sunset are best for black bass fishing in these areas.

Don't overlook rocks, stumps and other rigid structures. They provide shady areas where black bass will be sheltered from the sun. In these conditions, choose crankbaits or so soft lures in Texan rig to reduce hang-ups. the Drop shot can also be particularly effective, allowing you to focus on particular areas.

How to fish for black bass

Use technology or the Internet

If you are passing through on vacation, get a topographic map of the region. This will make it easier for you to find the right areas during the summer. Make a note of all the rocky points, the bumps, the dishes, the canals and the submerged points before your session. This preparatory step will allow you to save precious time in your fishing. Google earth is also an excellent way of quickly gathering information about the physiognomy of a watercourse.

When to fish for black bass in summer?

Arrive early or stay late: not-to-be-missed periods for bass

Arrive early or stay late: times not to miss

If you want to fish for black bass with the best possible conditions in summer, you will surely have to make concessions on your sleeping time. Indeed, the hours just before sunrise and just after sunset is the best time to fish for black bass in summer.

If you fish early, the water temperature has dropped overnight and the black bass will linger near the edges of the shallows to warm up, as will their prey. Your best bet is to fish reaction lures such as crankbaits or stickbaits. Softbaits are also preferable, with a preference for brighter colours or whites.

If you're fishing at sunset, wait until the water starts to cool. Hungry bass that have avoided the heat of shallow water will spring into action when the temperatures start to drop. Very aggressive at this time of day, the attacks and fights are often impressive.

The storm: the moment of all possibilities

During the summer, the moment before or after a thunderstorm is for us a high point in black bass activity. If you're in the right place at the right time, it's not unusual to come across a memorable moment of frenzy. This time of summer rapidly cools the waters and also brings more oxygen into the environment. There's nothing like it for activating our lazy black bass. So don't rule out this special time of year. It could well bring you its share of surprises.

As curious and sporty as they are, black bass can be very lazy in summer. However, if you know how to fish them in summer, they can become a prime target for anglers. Once you know where to find black bass and how to fish for them, you'll be able to introduce your children to black bass fishing and, why not, get them excited about it on holiday.

You won't even need to target just the big ones. Small black bass are perfect for small children because they are so playful and combative to catch.

When to fish for black bass in summer?

For those of you who still don't know how to fish for black bass in summer, follow these few tips and who knows, you could turn your summer fishing sessions into one of the best fishing experiences you've ever had!

Useful links to understand how to fish for black bass in summer:

The 10 best types of black bass lures

Fishing knot: 5 essential fishing knots to master

Learn to fish with a fishing guide

Start lure fishing

Find a black bass fishing guide

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