Tag: nature

Tarpon: the silver king

Hello fellow readers, today we are going to tell you about a fish known for its aerial faculties “the megalops atlanticus”, commonly called “Tarpon” or “Silver King”. Rodmaps went to meet him twice, in 2013 in Mexico and in 2016 in Belize. Morphology of the tarpon This fish can largely ...

Payara: The fangs of the orinoco

We will introduce you to a fish from South America, known as the “vampire fish” or Payara. Its scientific name is “Hydrolycus Scomberoïdes”. It is part of the “Cynodontidae” family. Rodmaps went to meet him in the Mataven region, on the Rio Orinocco in Colombia ...

Giant Snakehead: raw power

Today we are going to tell you about a mythical and emblematic fish: the Channa micropeltes, known under the name of "Giant snakehead". It is part of the Channidae family and lives in South East Asia. The Rodmaps team was lucky enough to be able to fish it in three different countries ...