Love of billfish by Huk

For all those who have fallen in love with this fish, Love of Billfish by Huk is made for you.

These 4 minutes of film tell the story of a meeting, a story of love and friendship between the fisherman and this king of the oceans. This video is a poem, a declaration of love for this fish that turns the heads of so many fishermen.

Here are the verses:

“It's a story about love and loss.
Would you believe me if I told you there is such a thing as love at first sight?
I remember our first dance. I think it's safe to say she took the lead.
Maybe it sounds crazy, but I was waiting for her. Maybe she was waiting for me too. I'll spoil the end for you because as quick as she came into my life, she was gone. Oh, theres been others. They just numb the pain.
But when we finally locked eyes, it was a single moment of perfection.
We danced until we were both exhausted, and everyone else had gone home. But in the end. Whats that saying?
If you love something, let it go.
Let it go.
Let her go .. ”

A fishing video to share and watch over and over again ...

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