Gaëlle Estaque, feminine fishing

Discover the portrait of Gaëlle Estaque, a rising figure in fishing in France and symbol of a new generation of women passionate about fishing.

Hello Gaëlle, could you briefly introduce yourself to the readers of the Rodmaps blog?

Hello everyone, my name is Gaëlle Estaque, I am 34 years old and I come from Saint-Gaudens in Haute-Garonne.

How did you get this passion for fishing?

I caught this virus thanks to my boyfriend who has been fishing since he was little and who after 10 years of living together managed to bring me to the water's edge!

What fishing techniques do you usually practice?

I mainly fish predators with a lure in a boat but also in a float-tube.

What is your favorite fishing and your flagship fish?

For 4 years we have been passionate (I say we because one does not go without the other) for black bass fishing.

This fishing has a wide range of techniques allows us to rack our brains and it becomes exciting. I particularly like the spinner for prospecting and the rubberjig for the touches that it provides.

Could you tell us a bit about your background and what made you want to be so close to the water today?

It all started with camping weekends at the water's edge with friends. For me, it was a way to have a good time after big weeks of work, as an outlet. They, on the contrary, had been really fierce for years.

They eventually convinced me to try fishing. Without convictions… And then here I am at the water's edge every weekend!

Gaëlle Estaque and a beautiful float-tube pole

We notice at Rodmaps that fishing is more and more a practice that is feminized and rejuvenated. Is this an observation that you also make on your side?

Yes indeed ! It's nice to see that more and more women and young people are interested in fishing.
Contrary to what one might think, the fishing world is not as matchist as it seems. I could see, whether during competitions or during Sunday fishing, that I was always welcome at the water's edge.

I also think that women realize, coming for their first step with their companions at the water's edge, that contact with nature is very soothing and fun at the same time.

To talk about young people, some that we met at the water's edge impress me with their knowledge of the environment and techniques. The Internet is truly an inexhaustible source of information. Something that we ourselves didn't have before.

Gaëlle Estaque and a beautiful black-bass in a bass-boat

What are the reasons according to you?

I think fishing has a slightly sportier image than the stereotype of the grandpa sitting in his chair fishing for predators with a plug. The Internet also has a lot to do with yououtubers and social networks ...
There is a playful and more fun side to sport lure fishing today.

You are today the female emblem of the Sert / Sakura company as an ambassador / pro staff. Could you tell us a little more about this part of your activities?

The society Serves Sakura has always represented for us for several years a favorite brand with its superb products, equipment and designers always in development. It is also a French brand to promote! And I am proud to be able to represent it through animations and communication on social networks.

Another lunker for Gaëlle Estaque

What are the main qualities to be a good communicator in this environment according to you?

The fact that we are a couple and share the same passion can make other people want to do the same! My outlook is to stay natural or sometimes the middle of it looks prime.
The sharing and the simplicity in the communication will remain for me the sure values of a good communicator.

Do you have any future projects you would like to tell us about?

The projects for this year with our new partners who are added to Sakura, Navicom and LBS (Lithium Boat Solution) will allow us to renew our electronic equipment with a 10 MSI g3 Helix and an Ultrex motor that we will power with lithium batteries for optimal performance.
This year 2019 we will participate in the Soner Euro Nitro Cup in Spain which is a competition only dedicated black-bass.

What is your fondest fishing memory?

My best memory will be the first steps I was able to take at the water's edge with Franck when I was learning to throw.

My first fish caught with a spinner and already a rod Sakura, a pike! He gave me so much emotion that I had tears in my eyes!

There the bet was won !!

Small Bonus

A big thank you to you Nico!
The only French in Spain who we spoke Spanish to when we first met! Looking forward to sharing a great stay with Rodmaps

Useful links :

Learn to fish with a fishing guide

Start lure fishing


Rodmaps is first and foremost the story of Nicolas and Matthieu, two friends with a passion for fishing. Ever since we were children, our passion has driven us to travel all over France and around the world in search of adventure and trophy fish. Through Rodmaps, we want to share our passion for fishing with as many people as possible and help them discover the joys of this sport, because yes, fishing is a sport!

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